scarlett o' hara
Robert Reed
Irina Bornova
Doilies, Dye, Yarn, Thread
Artist Statement
Scarlet O’Hara is the name of this piece as it portrays the famous character from the novel Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. She is portraying the southern belle that is a temptress to men and has had to make her gown out of something common like she did out of the window curtains, this time using sewn together doilies that have been sewn together and dyed a scarlet orange.
I think the orange was subconscious at the time and was due to my environment of having moved to the state of Florida. The orange is a common symbol of the state and also the color of the criminal jumpsuit that the man impeached twice with the fake orange hair hopefully will be wearing soon. I was often upset as I worked on this piece and I also did not admit to myself that Florida is a very southern state. The Black Lives Matter movement was so important that I also think the piece is the appearance of a privileged white woman that has covered herself so that her true emotions and feelings are hidden, even though she remains a woman of personal strength. The world only sees her as the beautiful southern belle. The movie of Gone With the Wind was taken off the market due to its blatant racism whilst I worked on this piece.
I purchased matching doilies and dyed them myself and sewed them together to make the dress, face and hair. I covered the shoes that I purchased as well as the umbrella and gloves to match.